
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

In Hot Pursuit Of The National Interest

In the closing arguments made by the President's lawyers during the Impeachment Trial, one stood apart as the defining pillar of his defense and the guiding principle for all further Executive Branch governance. It was, of course, the argle-bargle put forth by Alan Dershowitz that The Impeached One can do whatever he wants as long as he believes it's in The National Interest to do so.

It's a curious contention, one that provides a specious veil of legitimacy over an unlimited range of behavior and actions that even in the very recent past had been quaintly termed as "Illegal" and "Felonious." Justifying one's behavior by invoking The National Interest now is a guaranteed "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. And because the GOP majority agreed with this argument and voted to Acquit, the political template for future autocratic behavior is set.

(In addition, T believes that Article Two of the Constitution specifies "I have to the right to do whatever I want as president."  This, and linking all actions to "The National Interest" is a blanket strategy that dictators around the world have got to be admiring. "Respect, Bro!")

Think about how this maxim would have applied to past American presidents. Nixon would not have resigned for his coverups, nor would his top advisors and Attorney General have gone to jail. The Reagan Administration would lose the onus of having the most officials indicted and investigated (138... 21 were found Guilty). In fact, it's possible a President could claim that any Executive Branch officials caught in naughty behavior (short of outright theft, maybe) were simply seeking to advance their leader's vision of The National Interest.

So... let's take a few minutes to reflect on how Everything Is Permitted In The Pursuit Of The National Interest!

(Ugh, sorry. He presents as a bizarre, bloated Dunning-Kruger narcissist who insists on applying his own makeup, poorly. His hair-growth prescription and hair dye are now in The National Interest.)

Trump's wildly inaccurate statements about, well, anything are now statements supporting The National Interest: The Baltic States were responsible for The Balkan Wars. Belgium is now a city. Paris lies within Germany. The Appalachian Trail is really the Tallahassee Trail. The shootings in Dayton took place in Toledo. The fires that destroyed Paradise, California really laid waste to Pleasure, California and it's in The National Interest to rake our forests. Kansas City is no longer in Missouri. Concord, New Hampshire is now the site where the Minute Men stood fast against the British. I suppose this means, too, that the Bowling Green Massacre really did happen.

The nations of Nepal and Bhutan are now pronounced "Nipple and Button." Ireland, according to our National Interest, is a part of the United Kingdom. Nambia is a country in Africa, probably to the west of Wakanda. The European Union was created to take advantage of us. Putin and Russia are our allies and have our best interests at heart.

The National Interest will demand new words be entered into our vocabulary, like "Covfefe", "Stankuary", "Infantroopen",  "Heroilynn", "Transpants", "Resaption", "Herridge", "Obselels" and many more. Origins is now Oranges. Tolerated is now Tolarized. Diversity is now Diversary. And our 18th President is now Ulucious S. Grant.

It is in The National Interest that former President Barack Obama be impeached because of the Affordable Care Act, as recommended last night by our current President... even though Obama is no longer President and cannot be impeached because he is a private citizen, and the ACA is a law and not a High Crime or Misdemeanor. It doesn't matter, though, because The National Interest wants it  done.

The Central Park Five are guilty, despite having been exonerated with DNA evidence and the confession of the real perpetrator; they were released years ago. Though innocent and now free, their guilt, as continually pronounced by The Orange One, is in The National Interest.

It's OK to continue concealing White House Visitor Logs and Phone Call Readouts from the public record, because being completely secretive and restrictive about the public's business is in The National Interest. It's really in The National Interest to conduct all operations behind a big Stone Wall.

Not cooperating with The House when it requests and subpoenas witnesses and documents for inquiries is in The National Interest if it involves T, his Administration, past staffers, business partners, associates and their employees. It's also in The National Interest to release financial records of one's political opponents to friendly GOP-led Senate committees.

Ivanka's product brands, Jared's real estate holdings and all other T Family interests that continue to soar with profits derived from government business are part of The National Interest. Taxpayers will continue to foot the bill for T's expensive use of T properties, because it is in The National Interest.

Our economy, according to The National Interest, has never been better. Mitigating Climate Change is not in our National Interest, as it is a hoax perpetrated by China. And it is bad for fossil fuel-based business, which is antithetical to The National Interest. Mexico is paying for The Wall, in accordance with The National Interest. In fact, Mexicans really ARE rapists and criminals. The Wall is being built along the Colorado state line.

Attorney General Bill Barr is following The National Interest when he allegedly shut down six Mueller-referred investigations to U.S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York and put the kibosh on two new Trump-based ones there. The National Interest is paramount when Barr collects Russian-sourced disinformation from Rudy Giuliani for his Department of Justice's investigation of Trump's political opponents.

Looking at a solar eclipse without protective eyewear is in The National Interest. Speaking at events and rallies while slumping over the podium, slurring gibberish and displaying dilated pupils is in The National Interest.

Spewing  over 16,000 lies like a demented Gatling Gun since becoming President is in The National Interest. In a similar vein, being an enormous cheat at everything, including golf, is in The National Interest. And it's in The National Interest that T is the healthiest and most popular President ever.

"What can you give me?" will be the new standard response for requests of any sort of aid, or assistance, foreign or domestic. All Executive Branch business will follow the practice of imprisoned ex-Illinois Governor Rod "This is fuckin' golden, man, and I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers!" Blogojevich,  and is now recognized as inherent within The National Interest.

OK, OK!! I'll stop it, already! Yes, this can be funny, but also terrible. Yes, this can be a never-ending manifesto of awfulness, mendacity and blatant corruption. It's designed to be this way. These are hallmarks of an autocratic state. Flood the Zone with aggressive BS and the public becomes confused with what is true, and becomes apathetic. Honestly, I've come to believe that it's in T/GOP's"National Interest" to pull the plug on our system of government so they can maintain a permanent minority-rule quasi-theocracy/kleptocracy boot stamp on our collective faces (thanks, George Orwell). It is what happens when being caught and having to lose power and/or go to prison is not an option.

So, what next? There is plenty of bad stuff in the pipelines for Trump & Company, but a lot of it is being held back by Bill Barr. Some of it will leak out, probably soon. There will be more instances of President Unstable having meltdowns and displaying a deteriorating mind and body. It wouldn't be a shock if he suddenly leaves, citing "health reasons." There will be Supreme Court rulings next month on T's financials that will demonstrate to everyone whether we now live in an authoritative state. These, and more, will inform the ramp up to November. It'll be a right and brutal battle for the future of the country, and ourselves. Time to gird our loins!