
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Winning The Gold

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience," said Mark Twain. Hoo boy, can you imagine Twain today? He would utterly own the Twitter-verse with the most devastating tweets imaginable. His observations on the sheer insanity of what our country is experiencing would be riotous and true.

What would he have said about the last two weeks? While Olympic glory was being sought in South Korea, world class dopiness reigned as the default behavior for our government and its controlling political party.

Let's start with the "conservative" perspective on the US Olympics team, courtesy of Fox News/State TV Executive Vice President and Executive Editor, John Moody:

What a complete and irredeemable schmuck. His is the shrill and irrational voice of the Angry White Male generation. He'd fit seamlessly into the alt-Right's White Ethno-state.

Speaking of White, here's Vice President Pence and "Mother" at the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Note that they are sitting while everyone else is standing/applauding. That is because the unified Korea team, mostly the host country, had entered the stadium. It is customary for everyone to stand and applaud the host country.

Instead, super-patriot Pence "took a butt" to show how America is better than everyone and that he wasn't happy about having to sit in front of Kim Jong-un's sister. The Pence faces seem to indicate an empty contemplation of gay conversion therapy success stories. Too bad Adam Rippon and Gus Kenworthy snubbed him - their face to face burns would have been priceless.

As usual, the Winter Olympics featured a lot of ice-oriented sports. The Trump Administration featured an ICE of its own, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. It's responsible for weeding out the murderers and rapists and really bad people that comprise undocumented immigrants here, including Dreamers and their families. Anyway, this happened while ice skaters pirouetted:

Wow. Imagine... the ICE chief counsel pleading guilty to "aggravated identity theft" and "wire fraud".  It makes one wonder who are the real criminals at play here.

Another "ice-y" incident that emerged over the Olympics timeline was the Trump Administration's renewed attempt to completely eliminate the heating assistance program for low-income families. One supposes that hypothermia will create enough shaking that a freezing body will warm up?

One Administration-related 'celebrity' that does not seem to need heating assistance is Louise Linton, the Marie Antoinette-like wife of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin:

Her mindset is firmly aligned with the Trump Family brand consciousness and the cabal of grifters assembled in the White House, including her mendacious husband. She tries to seem contrite over her past whoppers of breached protocol, but again...Wow:

Speaking of engaging in the skilled sport of High Ridiculousness, what happened to Missouri during the Olympics? Their Republican Governor is led off in handcuffs for having taken "blackmail" photos of his stripped mistress, bound to an exercise machine and blind-folded. As a "family-values" guy, he's still supported by the state GOP, which says mega-donor George Soros is behind it all. His wife is going with it, for now.

Also in Missouri, rootin' tootin' pedophile Roy Moore, the failed Senate candidate from Alabama who still hasn't conceded because God has not told him to, is throwing his weight behind Republican Senate candidate Courtland Sykes. This is a match made in political heaven: Sykes seeks this kind of world for any future daughters:

"I don’t want them to grow up into career obsessed banshees who forego home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the tops of a thousand tall buildings they are think they could have leaped over in a single bound — had men not “suppressing them.”

He seems sane. Vote GOP for Missouri - a demented State of Mind. Another crazy Republican support group is the National Rifle Association, featuring their two-punch combo of Wayne LaPierre and Vampire Dana Loesch. Much has been said about the fear-mongering gun-lust extremism they proclaim. LaPierre did his best to convince everyone at the recent CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) that the NRA's opponents are "saboteurs who don't believe in capitalism, don't believe in the Constitution, don't believe in freedom, and don't believe in America as we know it." He said a lot of other bullroar, which you can read right here. Loesch said a bunch of stuff that serves to remind that she is a terrible human being.

It is pathetically Stupid and Crazy for what passes as "dialogue" from gun rights folk regarding the surviving students at Stoneman High School. Such hateful expressions coming from supposed "adults"... on the other hand, these students can more than handle it:

Wrapping up this post, let's take a quick peek at White House Senior Advisor to the President, Steven Miller. Here he is, laser-focused, during the recent WH meeting on School Safety following the Stoneman massacre. Even he can't keep awake during Trump's speech:

Finally, a couple of highly ridiculous - no, just the usual awfulness - and chilling actions from this time period. A new State Department position paper on policy has curtailed much support on Family Planning, LGBT issues and racial/religious/sexual discrimination:

And the ongoing degradation of our planet, courtesy of Scott Pruitt's EPA, one year in:

If grifters, religious zealots, extreme right-wingers, and hyper-partisan tribalists were competing in the Olympics of governing our nation into the ditch, they'd all be going home with the Gold! Wait a minute... oh, right, they are.

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