
Monday, July 24, 2017

Make America Great Again - Be Like Russia!

It was not very long ago that Russia was regarded as the USA's enemy by nearly all Americans. They were the Evil Empire, the Soviet Union, whose godless leaders were guzzling vodka and plotting the downfall of our nation . They were "going to bury us" while we ducked and covered while looking for fallout shelters.

President Reagan declared that the Soviets' governance would end up "in the ash bin of history." Russia was the corrupt state of mendacious oligarchs and was antithetical to democratic values.

Today, our topsy-turvy country views things much differently. If Trumpsters/Republicans were asked to put country before party, which country would they choose? The surge in favorable feelings towards Russia is remarkable, and probably tied in with the Cult of Trump, wherein everything DT says is accepted by followers as Truth, despite any evidence to the contrary.

Let's dig in a bit to get a better look at what's happening here. In a Marist/NPR survey last month, the question was posed: "Does Russian hacking of the 2016 election pose a threat to future elections?" The response is revealing:

Dems - 73% say Major Threat, 16% Minor Threat, 3% No Threat, 4% Unsure, 4% Russia uninvolved
Repubs - 17% Major Threat, 24% Minor Threat, 27% No Threat, 7% Unsure, 25% Russia uninvolved
Independs - 51% Major, 19% Minor Threat, 13% No Threat, 6% Unsure, 12% Russia not involved

In a Washington Post/ABC survey from a week ago, in response to the question, "Do you think that the Russian government tried to influence the 2016 election?" the results were similarly intriguing:

Dems - 80% yes;  69% Trump benefited; 7% Trump didn't benefit; 13% Russia wasn't involved
Repubs - 33% yes; 9% Trump benefited; 22% Trump didn't benefit; 55% Russia uninvolved
Independs - 61% yes; 42% Trump benefited; 16% no Trump benefit; 33% Russia wasn't involved

OK, you want some more? Well, here's some more! In a May survey by Politico/Morning Consult, the Republicans' response to how they feel towards Russia:

13% see Russia as an Ally; 36% see it as Friendly; 25% say Unfriendly; 12% say Enemy.

Right, that's roughly half of Republicans think it's Rooty-Tooty for us to hang with the Rooskies and their Dictator. But it wasn't always this way. It's a recent phenomenon. In a Gallup Poll asking about Favorability towards Putin and Russia, we find the following:

Dems - 15% said Da to Putin in 2015, 10% say Da in 2017.
Repubs - 12 % liked Putin in 2015, 32% say Da in 2017
Independs - 12% said OK to Putin in 2015, 23% like him in 2017

That's what they call a Significant Factor in the world of Statistics. But it's not just Putin that gets the love, it's his country, too:

Dems - 26% viewed Russia favorably in 2015; 16% view it favorably in 2017
Repubs - 20% viewed Russia favorably in 2015; 35% view it favorably in 2017
Independs - 25% viewed it favorably in 2015; 32% view it favorably in 2017

So why are so many Republicans and Trump Independents so friendly to Putin/Russia now? Throughout the presidential campaign and pre-inaugural, Trump was openly buddy-buddy with Putin, the most Pro-Russia candidate since 1948's Henry Wallace. He called Putin a strong leader (better than Obama), very smart and a bunch of superlatives. Trump campaigned to pull away from NATO and to disengage from the European Union, both big goals for Putin. He openly solicited Russia to hack the DNC to get Hilary Clinton's emails. When reminded what a monster Putin is, Trump replied, "Are we so innocent?" Apparently, not.
Every boy and girl should get this for their birthdays!
There should be no need to remind why Putin is such a bad guy. Aside from countenancing terrible civilian casualties in Syria, he helms an amoral and violent advancement of his and his oligarch/mob pals' needs. He invaded/absorbed the independent nation of Georgia on George W. Bush's watch. He absorbed the Ukrainian provinces of Crimea and eastern Ukraine on Barack Obama's watch. He has marshaled two horrendous civil wars in Chechnya. He routinely jails and kills political opponents and journalists. His Russia is the same as the worst of the Soviet Union. He is not a nice man.

How can Trump and his supporters like this guy? Over the years, Putin/Russia have cast a powerful and sustained PR spell from its security/intelligence group, the FSB (formerly KGB). These guys are the best at what they do - sorry CIA. Western media and political advocacy sources such as Fox News, Heritage Foundation and lesser life-forms like Info Wars, Breitbart and Drudge Report have been groomed for years. How else to explain their mystifying acceptance of Russia's point of view?

Putin is portrayed as the modern standard-bearer for so-called American "traditional values": God, guns and no gays! Following a Putin speech in 2013 that decried American degeneracy (gay marriage laws), various U.S. right-wing Christian Taliban went rapturous. Franklin Graham and fellow evangelicals saw a man they could do business with. Pat Buchanan wrote: "President Putin is implying that Obama's America may deserve the title ("the focus of evil in the modern world") in the 21st Century." Matt Drudge declared Putin to be "the leader of the Free World." Weekly Standard senior editor Christopher Caldwell called him, "the pre-eminent statesman of our time."

Once the opinion-influencers of the party had been captured, it didn't take long to reach the rank-and-file. (Do read this last link, it's well worth your while.) When candidate Trump emerged from the primaries as the favorite for Anti-Muslims, Anti-Immigrants, Anti-Black/POC, Anti-Gays, Anti-Free Press, Anti-Intellectuals, Anti-Education, Anti-Liberalism, Anti-Feminism/Women's Rights, Anti-Science, Anti-Consumer Regulations, Pro-Guns and Pro-Authoritarian Rhetoric, it shouldn't surprise that Russia embraced him, and he them.
(Note middle finger extension)

Now we have a Russian Asset, a "Useful Idiot", as our President. Whether or not he operates with the Sword of Kompromat over his head, his actions indicate a strong and seemingly irrational bond with Russia. And his base feel Trump and Putin speak the same language. Hellll Ya! There's no pussy-footin' around. You want something in life? Boom! Grab it! Don't waste time trying to get agreement with everyone like that silver-tongued Kenyan Muslim Gay Marxist Obama -- get 'er done!

There is also another chilling indicator of how Trump's America and Putin's Russia are intertwining: Death Rates. It's no secret that Russia has had a sky-high mortality rate, bouncing between 1200 - 1600 per 100,000.

Russian Death Rate - Historical Data Graphs per year

We American used to point this out as Exhibit A why we were better than them. But now we are making our own moves:

White Working Class Death Rate in America

Yes, there's still a big gap... but we are closing it.

Finally, before we add to the statistics by slitting our wrists over all this, let's remember: The KGB-FSB has long used the "firehose" method of creating despondency among the public. They keep spraying huge volumes of falsehoods and distractions so that good people normally become hopeless. It's a classic disinformation tactic and it's being used on us here in the good ol' USA. Hopeless people don't fight back!

So recognize what's happening today. Don't lose hope. Don't fall to apathy. Give a damn and push back. Resist!
A memorial for murdered Russian journalists - an ideal Putin press conference!

And now, to help ease our troubled minds, here is our old friend Sir Paul McCartney performing the classic and timely "Back In The USSR". Dig the videos in the background!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Confederacy of Dunces

Good ol' Baghdad Bob. The former spokesperson for Saddam Hussein was a laugh riot during the closing days of the "liberation" of Baghdad. His amazingly inaccurate press statements were astounding, especially when one could see US military vehicles driving past while he insisted that Hussein's Klepto-Kakistocracy army was impregnable. It was comedy gold.

Bob came to mind listening to Republican defenses of Donald Trump, Jr. By now, we all know the basics of his email controversy; the thought that lingers is - what an idiot! No wonder Daddy Warbucks doesn't want to give up his business with a son like that in charge. And while no one is suggesting our own version of Uday and Qusay are guilty of perverted war crimes, they do not appear to be very bright.

Two examples of state crime families
Apples not falling far from the tree seems to be an apt analogy here. However, because his email includes wunderkind Jared Kushner - he who will reinvent government, resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, end the Opioid Epidemic and no doubt present a Cold Fusion formula to end carbon-related energy sources - one has to wonder if Trump Senior has a special knack for attracting outside dimwits as well as siring them. Yes, the very best ones: Flynn. Manafort. Gorka. Miller. DeVos. Perry. Pruitt. Price. Mulvaney. Spicer. Sanders. It's a real Murderer's Row for Team Dunning-Kruger.

Let's take a quick look at a few examples of White House Incompetence from the last week or so:

-- A couple of weeks before the vaunted G20 summit in Hamburg, the White House realized that it had not made any hotel reservations for Trump. When staff called, it discovered Hamburg hotels had been booked for months. Fortunately, the local Hamburg city government stepped in and provided a guest house for the President who is also a Hotel Magnate.

-- Because of this last-minute snafu, Melania Trump was geographically separated from the rest of the summit's spouses. She had intended to spend a day with them, but the guest house was surrounded by protestors, so she stay in by herself.

-- While representing the US at the summit, the President found time to tweet how "everyone here is talking about" Hillary Clinton advisor John Podesta and how he had "refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and CIA. Disgraceful!" Problem was this was entirely false, as Podesta reminded us all when he sent Trump a retaliatory tweet defining him as "our Whack-Job President." Comedy gold, again.

-- During a portion of the G20 Summit, Ivanka Trump sat in for her dad, next to China's Premier Xi. Yes, the President's daughter - not Secretary of State Tillerson or Treasury Secretary Mnuchin (who were in the room). This moment was memorialized by a Russian staffer photograph:

"Let's not talk about my sweat shops in China..."
-- Later, angered by the reaction to this situation, our President fired off this classy tweet:

-- To which, the vulgar and venal Ms. Clinton replied:

Good morning Mr. President. It would never have occurred to my mother or my father to ask me. Were you giving our country away? Hoping not. 
-- Hoo boy. Then there was the "Republic of China" moment. After meeting with People's Republic of China Premier Xi, the White House issued statements celebrating Trump's meeting. Except that Xi and his country were identified as Republic of China, which is Taiwan, sworn enemy of Xi's country. A little awkward, per usual in this White House.

-- Meanwhile, while the President was in Poland defending Western Civilization from Brown People, US nuclear plants were being hacked by Russia. This is pretty frightening stuff. But then again, we know Russian is capable of hacking lots of our things, like Elections. So, what did our President do when having a Mano y Mano with Vladimir Putin? He proposed an "impenetrable US-Russian Cybersecurity Pact." This was such a horrible idea that even Republican lawmakers blanched. He may as well have proposed an Anti-Terrorism alliance with ISIS, or an Anti-ICBM partnership with North Korea, or an Anti-Death-to-Satan agreement with Iran. 12 hours later, Trump pulled a 180, saying it couldn't happen. Sad.

These are just things that happened at the G20 Summit... there were plenty of other happenings that would fill the display cases of the future Trump Hall of Kakistocracy Fame. Just take a couple of minutes to enjoy Dana Milbank's astonished take upon coming back from a long vacation:

Yes, none of this is defensible. And surely the most distilled and cogent of analysis of the last week or so comes from an Aussie reporter. His two minutes of viral global fame begins right here:

It's difficult to conjure up a better rendering of our evolving national disgrace. Stalwart allies are shocked and amazed by this adminstration's intentions and ludicrous behavior. Perhaps the best representation for the international diplomats' public personas can be personified by our own Slovenian First Lady, as she realizes at the Inaugural that she has four years of this nonsense ahead of her:

Finally, regarding the dangers of playing with fire... John Brennan, the tough-as-nails former CIA Director, in Congressional testimony about falling under the influence of Russian meddling...

This is something to consider as we discover more and more individuals being justly tarred with the brush of Treason. As these individuals become revealed, remember Brennan's words. They are not smart people, or rather, they are people driven by baser instincts who went down the wrong path.

Monday, July 3, 2017

When a POTUS is a POS.

Was there ever a time when our nation had a pure and worthy leader? Our schools and traditions have taught us that the Presidency is inhabited by the best and the brightest, men (and someday women) of high moral character who place our country above all else. This idea is usually framed around a patriotic celebration of The Genius of our Democracy.

But as we step back from this exultation of American Exceptionalism and get a closer view of the real people who have worked in the Oval Office, we see all sorts of flaws and wrinkles. Just take a quick spin of Chief Executives from World War I through today and you'll find something not nice or commendable about each one:

Wilson - Racist.
Harding - Corruption enabler extraordinaire and reprobate.
Coolidge - Spoke more than he governed, cared more about Big Business.
Harding -  Didn't stop Great Depression when he could have.
Roosevelt - Japanese-American Internments,  curtailed Jewish refugees.
Truman - Korea, attempted nationalization of the steel industry, Loyalty Boards.
Eisenhower - Dragged feet on McCarthyism, ignored major social issues. CIA/Iran.
Kennedy - Reprobate, Bay of Pigs.
Johnson - Viet Nam, crass vulgarian.
Nixon - Political exploiter and divider, Viet Nam, Watergate.
Ford -  Pardoned Nixon, kinda dim.
Carter - When he hit that rabbit with an oar.
Reagan - Racism enabler, Iran/Contra, Trickle Down BS.
Bush - Forgot about domestic issues.
Clinton - Reprobate.
Bush 2 - Helmed greatest foreign policy blunder, 2nd worst economic calamity in US History.
Obama - Frosty towards Congress. Wore a tan suit once. Likes arugula.

Of course, nearly all these Presidents had copious and compelling positive traits that propelled them into office. Most were elected as strong leaders with sterling character; their shortcomings usually were revealed in office.  Which brings us to our current Chief Executive.  Yesterday, two days before July 4th, he released a Presidential tweet that appears to, well, just look:

Trump taking down CNN outside wrestling ring

Remember, too, that his Press Secretary has said that Trump's tweets are official statements. It's no accident that this hostile tweet appeared - it's all part of the plan. Even more of interest is that the President apparently follows an alt-Right Twitter guy who created the inflammatory GIF. And he is a virulent anti-Semite:

Trump's twitter guy posted this bigoted CNN tweet

Wow, that's some major ugly. But it's not surprising that our Tweeter-in-Chief has attracted the Worst and the Vilest. What is surprising is that 35%+ of Americans seem to think that this is all OK. It has been said to a sickening degree that Trump supporters love him because 'he says what they are thinking.' Let's review, then, some representative statements that he has said over the last couple of years so we have a better idea what they are thinking:

"(Mexican immigrants) are bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists - and some, I assume are good people." (6/16/15)  Retweeted "#JebBush has to like Mexican illegals because of his wife." (7/4/15)  Re: when a homeless Latino man was beaten in Boston by his supporters: "I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate." (8/20/15)

"(John McCain) is not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who aren't captured." (6/18/15)

Fox News Megan Kelly's menstruation: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever." (8/7/15)

On Carly Fiorina: "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that - the face of our next president?" (8/14/15)

Re: getting military advice - "Well, I watch the (Sunday political) shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great - you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows..." (8/16/15)

We have to "strongly consider" shutting down mosques. (11/16/15). "Would certainly implement a database system tracking Muslims in the U.S. Absolutely." Should Muslims be legally obligated to register onto the database? "They have to be - they have to be." (11/20/15) Advocated a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. (12/7/15)

Claimed to have watched on 9/11 "Jersey City, NJ, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as (the WTC) was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering... there's a heavy Arab population." (11/22/15)

On a protestor being physically attacked at a rally for chanting "Black Lives Matter": "Maybe (he) should have been roughed up. It was absolutely disgusting what he was doing..." (11/21/15)

Mocked a physically disabled reporter at a rally: "... written by a nice reporter - now the poor guy, you gotta see this guy (gesticulates) 'Aah, I don't know what I said! I don't remember!' He's going 'I don't remember!'" (11/25/15)

Re: answer to 'which component of our Nuclear Triad' defense is the most important': "I think - I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me." (12/15/15)

To the Republican Jewish Coalition: "I'm a negotiator, like you folks. Is there anyone who doesn't renegotiate deals in this room? Perhaps more than any room I've spoken to... (but) You're not going to support me because I don't want your money. You want to control your own politician." (12/3/15)

Re: Trump University lawsuit - "There's a hostility toward me by the judge. Tremendous hostility, beyond belief. I believe he happens to be Spanish... He's Hispanic." (2/16)  "I think (he) should be ashamed of himself. The judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican..." (5/27/16)

Re: rally violence - ""... if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell - I promise you, I will pay the legal fees." (2/1/16)  "There's a guy, totally disruptive, throwing punches, we're not allowed to punch back anymore. I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. I'd like to punch him in the face." (2/23/16)

Re: disavowing Racists, KKK and David Duke - "I don't know, did he endorse me or what's going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. I have to look at the guy... you wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about..." (2/28/16)

Re: his private parts - "He referred to my hands. If they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee." (3/3/16)

Re: If abortions were illegal - "The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. There has to be some form." (3/30/16)

Attacked Khizr Kane, Gold Star father of deceased hero Army captain, for speaking out on Trump's bigotry: "If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me." (7/28/16)

And then... he became the Republican candidate for President. And his rallies and rhetoric never dimmed in their repugnancy. And he became our President.

But wait! It wasn't like Donald Trump was a blank slate when he announced his candidacy in 2015. Here are some well-known tid-bits about our Schmuck-in-Chief:

"I think the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control." DT to John O'Donnell, former prez of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino.

Re: his relationship with the NY media: "You know, it doesn't really matter what they write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

Re: Olympic champion Katarina Witt - "She could only be described as attractive if you like a woman with a bad complexion who is built like a linebacker."

Re: Women in general - "You have to treat them like shit" (New York magazine, 1992) "I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing."

Re: Princess Diana - "I think I could have nailed Princess Di." (Howard Stern show, 1997)

On his power over women: "They'll walk up, they'll flip their top and they'll flip their panties." (2008)

Re: The "Trump Rule" - He had Miss USA contestants parade past him so he could separate those he found attractive. "Many of the girls found this exercise humiliating. Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left.. it was as though they had been stripped bare." (Carrie Prejean, Miss USA runner-up, 2009)

After she wrote about rumors of a DT bankruptcy, NYT's Gail Collins received some mail from Trump - the article, with her picture circled and "face of a dog" written on it. (2011)

Gosh, we're just dipping into the incredibly deep poison pool of the mindset of our President. Suffice to say this post is already too long and too disgusting. As we prepare to celebrate our country's Independence Day, reflect on its meaning. We are governed within a realm of Reality TV, ruled by the norms of Professional Wrestling. And while we become inured by the daily outrages from our President, he and the Republican Party are pushing forward plans to dismantle the EPA, repeal the Affordable Care Act with no one knows, and making permanent their voter suppression schemes.

What would Superman say?