
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Is Trumpland a Kingdom of Trolls or a Kakistocracy?

Trump signs Executive Order rescinding Obama-era climate policies
Last night, in a phone call to reporters, a "Senior White House Official" spoke on Trump's scheduled Executive Order that will drop Obama's Climate Change Legacy. The dialogue centered on how new EPA rules will be drawn to help the economy first. When questioned on how climate change can negatively affect the economy, the official appeared stumped:

So... the Trump White House wants policies that promote the economy, but doesn't know about the abundant research that shows how unregulated climate change will negate economic growth. This is just one more example of how the Trump Administration has to be trolling us. Because, honestly, no one can be this simple-minded, right?

How else to explain President Steve Bannon strolling into the Freedom Caucus pre-Trumpcare vote meeting last Friday and telling them, "This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill." (To which a FC member retorted: "You know, the last time someone ordered me to do something, I was 18 years old. It was my daddy. And I didn't listen to him, either.")

Or chief advisor Stephen Miller telling America that the Muslim Ban would stand because "our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned."

Or any press briefing that involves Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who famously retweeted The Onion's characterization of his role in the Trump administration as providing the American public with robust and clearly articulated misinformation. "Nailed it!" he tweeted.

Or when the White House website featured a Washington Post column with the headline, "Trump's budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why!" It was a satirical piece that featured school children being taught by a F 35 wearing a red MAGA hat. Read it and laugh out loud:

Or when House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes somehow found his way onto the White House grounds the other night to meet with "a White House official" who supposedly gave him the goods on how Obama surveilled Trump. (We're still waiting for those documents, Devin...)

Or the Texas Congressman providing his take on his party's failed Health Care vote:

GOP Rep. Joe Barton's reaction to Trumpcare defeat

Or the Trump-related TV ads that appeared on Friday night during the NCAA tournament, congratulating selected GOP representatives for voting that day for Trumpcare (except they did not):

TV ads appear congratulating GOP after Trumpcare defeat

Or anything involving Michael Flynn, onetime National Security Advisor, foreign agent and Conspiracy Theory peddler. Proposed kidnappings and abductions, oh why not?

Reaction to WSJ article about General Michael Flynn and Turkey

This could go on and on because there is no shortage of examples, and it would be great fun. Heck, I haven't even mentioned how Jared Kushner is going to use his two months of public service experience and re-invent the federal government!

These guys cannot be serious. They are all involved in an elaborate prank that will end on April 1 when they all pile out of the White House shouting, "April Fools!!" It really can be a government-wide application of Poe's Law, given how many Trump supporters are still buying in on whatever these guys do and say:

Or... maybe it's not a big laugh. Maybe they are serious! Oh... that would be bad. Very bad. That would mean they really have wanted to do the things they have done, and have promised to do! That means many things, including this mindset:

So what exactly is a Kakistocracy? Various dictionaries define it as "government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens." While there may be elements of a Kleptocracy afoot with various Trump family members and business associates, the Kakistocracy trumps it with its full range of Bad Political Actors and their Orwellian Newspeak that seek to define and control our perceptions.

Sing along as Marxism rules Fredonia in "Duck Soup"

Whether or not the Trump/Republican Agenda gets very far, it's fairly evident that we will continue to see an unrelenting series of incomplete and poorly-thought-out actions and proposed policies between now and whenever this godawful roller coaster ride ends. If our time can be concisely encapsulated into a 30 second "musical", then here it is:

Yes, it's stupid. And funny. Applied to our current day, it ridicules, an action that would get much approval from our old friend, Mark Twain. Let us keep Ridicule in the forefront of our considered Resistance. Informed Ridicule will always show how an Emperor has no clothes...

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Make America Sick Again

Some things never change. U.S. Representative Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, stated that lower-income folks will need to choose between "getting that new iPhone that they just love" or to "invest it in their own health care."

Huh. This statement is understandable because the Congressman doesn't have to pay for his own health insurance. And he doesn't understand Health Insurance. Neither does the Republican Congress, nor does The Trump Administration. And a wide swath of lower-income Trump voters do not, either.

Part of their cognitive problem may be the sheer magnitude of the consequences that occur if the ACA ("Obamacare") is replaced by the AHCA ("Trumpcare"). The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that 24 million people will lose their health care over the next decade with AHCA - 14 million in the first year! This is actually a bit better than the Trump White House's own estimate of 26 million by 2027.

In addition, Trumpcare will raise premiums for "lower-income Trump voters" and reduce Medicaid availability. In fact, Trumpcare even proposes to cut revenue for the Medicare trust fund that pays out hospital benefits. This threatens hospital reimbursements and narrows the window to keep Medicare solvent. It will close hospitals all over Greater Trumpistan. However - and this is Big - the Federal Government will save $880 billion over the next ten years. And that makes Speaker Paul Ryan a happy Ayn Rand-er.

Essentially, Trumpcare is a Tax Cut program and not a Health Care one. Instead of subsidies for those who cannot afford insurance, tax credits will be provided ("And how will you be paying your bill today?" "Oh, why with my tax credit!"). And Medicaid, the current safety net, is planned to be gutted by the AHCA. Here is a nice graph on who loses with Trumpcare:

Again, Huh. Here's another way of looking at it. Going forward, the more one earns in income, the greater the Tax Breaks! The lower the income, the more one loses in current ACA benefits.

In fact, if you earn a million, you will receive up to $50,000 in benefits. If you are poor, you stand to lose $1420 in benefits. Another fun fact is how Health Care CEOs will profit. Trumpcare will allow Health Care companies to fully deduct their CEOs' entire salaries. Yes, the rich do get richer. But this can't be right, right? This isn't what our President said before and after the election:

Well, this is just all a lot of harrumphing by Loser Liberal Pointy-Headed Snowflakes, right? Indeed, the sound of harrumphing has been heard all across the land, and it is not a happy harrumph. Here is a list of the groups that oppose Trumpcare:

Geez. Could there be something wrong here? Maybe lawmakers should dig into the weeds a bit and dig into the details. Oh, right... details. Not too many of those pesky things. Enough for the CBO to generate its report on how bad the whole thing is, but not enough to stand up against the hated ACA/Obamacare. Just look at Press Secretary Sean Spicer showing us the obvious improvement with Trumpcare's lean and mean bill of goods versus the old Brand O. Just look!

This is the bill that offers the least details. That's the one we want.
Health Care is Hard. It's complicated. Anyone like Paul Ryan should know this, after having spent the last seven years leading the Republican charge to repeal Obamacare. Paul Ryan is usually credited with being the "brains" of the GOP caucus. If this is so, the GOP is in worse shape than I suspected.  Here's a lovely comment I read about Ryan and Trumpcare. Please close your eyes and cover your ears if you are squeamish:

"That moranic fuck puke wrote a lame assed healthcare bill that achieves all of its savings by letting insurance companies sell stripped down plans that will end up under insuring the vast majority of the public.
The result of people being under insured (or not having insurance at all) is that a large number of people will start having to declare bankruptcy due to their medical bills, and hospitals will end up taking huge losses, just like before the ACA was passed.
Oh, BTW, do you know what happens when hospitals take losses on patients who don't have insurance, or are under insured? First off, they write some of those losses off, so there's less federal tax revenue coming from the hospitals. Then they jack up the rates of the rest of their services to compensate for the losses, which means insurance companies pay more, which means the insurance companies will jack up your insurance rates to cover their losses..."

While that comment may qualify for the most cogent of analyses, I strongly urge you to take a couple of minutes to read the following articles from the Washington Post. The first is a good general review of how the AHCA will negatively affect our citizens:

How Much People Will Lose With Trumpcare

The next article is just terrific. It really gets down deep into the West Virginia dirt, where Trump voters' sense of "magical thinking" presents a definitive challenge for what lays ahead for them. And it explains what they will miss when the ACA is gone. Poor, sick and voted for Trump:

One could laugh if it weren't so awful. It's important to note, too, that Medicaid expansion is being blocked by a number of Red States, preventing those in need from receiving full subsidies. As we move forward, with Medicaid becoming cut back, premiums going up and real insurance coverage getting hollowed out, this article should become a standard read for historians. Taxpayers in Blue States should be happy - it's a fact that Blue States provide the tax revenue for governmental beneficiaries in Red States - but I suspect this won't happen. It will become an American Tragedy. What would Ayn Rand say?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

He left our world a better place, and we are the worse for his absence.

Tom inspects the madness at Burning Man
Tom LaPorte died last week. He was 63. His beating heart failed him. But his other heart never did. It was filled with loving generosity and compassion for all those who crossed his path. I benefited greatly from his friendship. So did hundreds of others:

If you are from Chicago, you may remember him as The Guy at Water Main Breaks. As the representative for the Water Department, he managed the local press and informed/assuaged any affected neighborhoods. His poorly-fitting hard hat was the stuff of legend.
In City of Chicago Spokesperson mode
At any water-related disaster, Tom would arrive at the affected neighborhood ahead of the Press. He would knock on residents' doors and explain what was happening, and how the Water Department was working hard to fix things. Then he'd give the resident a box of doughnuts. Later, when the Press would knock at the door to get an Angry Reaction clip,  they'd get residents munching doughnuts saying how these things happen and the Water Department is really working hard.

At neighborhood meetings, Tom would walk in like Daniel in the Lion's Den. He usually escaped unscathed:

Or you may remember him from his decades as Managing Editor for WMAQ and WBBM news radio, and Producer for WIND. He won numerous Peabody awards for his work.

My own relationship with Tom began back in Glenbard West High School. He was a "campus radical". Everyone knew him. He had established a larger-than-life persona, even then.

He was a Yippie. He was transfixed by the Chicago Seven trial, and cut school to travel to the courtroom drama. When the defendants entered the court, Tom stuck out his foot and tripped Abbie Hoffman. Then he helped pick Abbie up, asking if he could interview him. Hoffman laughed, recognizing a fellow traveler, and here's the evidence:

Tom interviews Abbie Hoffman during Chicago Seven lunch break

This emboldened Tom to interview Daniel Ellsberg during the Pentagon Papers chapter in American History:

Who is that long-haired guy standing behind Daniel Ellsberg?
During a Student President debate in a packed auditorium, Tom waited for just the right moment to lift up a "LAUGH" sign during a candidate's speech. It brought down the house.

He started a Student Underground Newspaper, called "Smoke". He helped organize a high school Student Union house, which literally went up in smoke. He ran for Glen Ellyn Village Board, scandalizing the bourgeoisie.

We became really good friends a couple of years later, when I really needed a good friend. We became clown partners, and it helped me through a terrible time. Oh, the fun we had:

Tom (and me, mercifully off camera making an ass of myself, and a balloon animal for someone), 7/4/1974.
We wrote countless parody songs. We joined the Jaycees and scripted their big variety show, "Robin Hood and His Merry Persons." It was such a big hit they asked us to write another. So we did. "Job, The Musical" was loosely based on the Biblical character. It departs radically from the Bible when he becomes engaged to Jackie Kennedy before her tragic end, suffocated by an umbrella. I guess you had to be there. We judged it to be hilarious and unproducable. It was.

A long-time project of ours was to produce a "Al Jolson does Mahatma Gandhi" night. Couldn't get the backing...

Another project was to create a radio/internet site called "HNN", the Historic News Network. We combined modern news reporting with historic events, like the Battle of Gettysburg. It was really good... but we couldn't get the backing.

We wrote for the Chicago Gridiron annual charity event, producing laughs for them at the expense of the US Post Office, U.S. Reps Dan Rostenkowski and Mel Reynolds, as well as Louis Farrakhan and the Malcolm X Shabazz Family. I was amazed we got away with so much in front of the Chicago Press and Political Establishment.

The memories accumulate with hours upon hours upon days and weeks and years of inspired laugh- until-you-weep conversation. He was a combination of Edward R. Murrow, Marshall McLuhan and Groucho Marx, with a strong dash of Thomas Merton on Laughing Gas.

Tom always wanted to do "something Noble" in his life. Aside from parenting his son, he succeeded by becoming instrumental with Burning Man and similar "radical forms of self-expression". He mentored scores of young people who sought direction in their lives. Journalists. Artists. Environmentalists. Social Activists. He changed their lives, as they changed his.

Here he is lending a voice to a group of environmental artists as they near completion of a project:

And for anyone who could use a crash course in communications, here he is counseling an artist on how to manage the Press. Substitute "artist" and "Press" with any problem factors you may have and there's your answer:

As usual, a preternaturally distilled constructive analysis. That was Tom. A towering intellect who really enjoyed the slapstick of a pratfall. He could discuss the driest of academic theory and then tell a terrible fart joke, followed by a quote from Winston Churchill or Sophocles. Always the smartest and funniest person in the room, whether it was a convention hall or a bathroom.

Over the last few years, Tom's health had been in decline. His weight had ballooned in the 1990s, triggering Diabetes Type 2. He struggled to lose it, and had succeeded for the most part. But the disease left him with physical problems. It was difficult for him to get around. He never said it, but I believe he was concerned about his ability to keep up with the young crowd with which he hung out.

And he struggled with "substance abuse". It became a major issue in his life for a while. He lost friends and family because of it. He also lost his way for a short time.

But Tom never gave up. And as he worked to re-balance his life, he redoubled his commitment to Burning Man and other Chicago-centric projects. He became even more generous with his time, energy and ideas. Tom's last years were a marvel to behold. He always let me know that he had a free ticket to Burning Man for me. I wish I had gone with him at least once.

We all have friends whom we love and admire. I can only hope that you, O Reader, have someone in your life that has made such an impact as he. Tom had a million friends, and they all were his best friends. I can truly say that he was mine.

Friday, March 10, 2017

"Mommy, tell me about what it was like in 2017"

"Well, honey, people were upset the year before because an important woman made sure her emails were more secure and couldn't be read, so we let Nazis and grifters take over."

This week we've continued our accelerating and unimpeded descent down the rabbit hole of our New Reality. After seven years of voting to repeal Obamacare over 60 times, Congressional Republicans (and certain Presidents) have discovered that Health Care is complicated. Ask Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois, who pondered why men should have to pay into pre-natal care? (answer: because Insurance).

Or when the Foreign Minister of Mexico arrives in DC, has a meeting with First Son-In-Law Jared Kushner and Co., but the State Department "didn't know" he's in town?

Or when the Office of Government Ethics issues a "warning" to Kellyanne Conway for telling America to buy Ivanka Trump's clothing merchandise (which America has now done, according to new sales data, yay emoluments!).

Or when the FBI says "Shut Up" to Trump about his Obama wire tapp accusations. In his careful response, Trump explains "No, You Shut Up" to the FBI.

Or when the White House provides press credentials to conspiracy theory peddlers Alex Jones of InfoWars and The Gateway Pundit (fresh from publishing another debunked story about Obama's fake birth certificate). Fox News Radio's John Decker loudly exclaims to the press briefing room, "they hate blacks, Jews and Hispanics".
Alt-Right, Extreme Right and Not Right In The Head.
We could go on (and on) about the week's large and small outrages and inanities that have piled up like debris from floodwaters pouring forth relentlessly from a burst dam of nightmares. What continues to amaze is the more-or-less constancy of support for this inept craziness from 40% of the nation's electorate.  Why, oh why, has so much of America gone so dumb?

It is true, of course, that a wide swath of citizens has always been this way, yesterday and throughout our nation's history. The American Political Tradition is filled with zany and ridiculous sideshows of twisted political rhetoric, ignorance and paranoia. It seems that there is much more today because, well, there are so many more of us... and we have Social Media and TV Cable News to amplify and compound egregious transgressions of ordinary common sense.

Back in the day, we called these people "cranks". Now we have an entire psycho-sociological movement that can be almost identified as a burgeoning pseudo-medical condition: "Crank Magnetism". Please take a moment to scan the following hilarious depiction, it's well worth two minutes:

"Crank magnetism is an important stepping stone on the path towards being wrong all of the time." In that sense, we see an important corollary to the Dunning-Kruger effect, which holds that "where people fail to adequately assess their level of competence - or specifically, their incompetence - at a task and thus consider themselves much more competent than everyone else. This lack of awareness is attributed to their lower level of competence robbing them of the ability to critically analyze their performance, leading to a significant overestimate of themselves."

To help us from sliding into a morass of cracked and unjustified self-confidence, we have tools such as the terrific Washington Post Fact Checker. Here is its take on President Tweet's First 50 Days. 219 false claims sent by Twitter are noted, by category, along with contextual explanations.  It's really a great read:

Why, all of this is enough to send a sane person around the bend! Maybe that is what happened today with Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Please note his flag emblem denoting a universal distress sign. I believe he's trying to tell us something!

Finally, for a golden minute of high-level hilarity, here is the fantastic video of a home-based foreign affairs expert, being interviewed on the BBC. There is so much Funny happening throughout that it's difficult to identify a favorite part. It is sublime and is already being hailed as an All Time Classic:

That one is for you, Tom...

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Happy International Women's Day

It's International Women's Day, the happy day that celebrates the advancement of Women's Rights! The origins of this day reside in the old Czarist Russia when on March 8, 1917 the capitol city of Petrograd was brought to a stand-still by a massive work strike by female textile mill workers. Seven days later, the Czar abdicated his throne and the Russian Revolution was in full swing!

Today, our President acknowledges this bit of Russian history gone international by posting this nice tweet about women, because no one respects women more than he:

and of course our Vice President chimes in, too, because he cares very much about women and wants to take away their health care:

And the Twitter followers are all fervent believers in our leaders' respect. Just read their comments on the Tweets!

Events around the world commemorate IWD, including the official approval of 38 Trump trademarks in China that include Trump massage parlors and Trump escort services. Trump - for when you need loving long time.

What goes together with Hotels and Sex?
Given his success as a casino owner, he'll probably cause the demise of prostitution in Asia. OK, OK, I'm not suggesting Trump is our Pimp-in-Chief. But I do wonder if he's being sincere... well, not really either. We all now know that he has staffers issue his tweets during the day from an iPhone. His IWD tweets are entirely too official to have originated from his android device.

But it is on International Women's Day that we reflect upon the following dismal statistic:

Cast off your shackles! You have nothing to lose but your chains! Oh, if only it were so easy. The day when Patriarchy yields to Matriarchy cannot arrive too soon. And now to help us to focus our IWD thoughts is Peter Gabriel, singing his anthem about International Women's Day, "Shaking The Tree"

"Too often the great decisions are originated and given form in bodies made up wholly of men, or so completely dominated by them that whatever of special value women have to offer is shunted aside without expression."  Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Is President Trump really President Sybil?

If there was any remaining doubt that President Trump had completed his long-anticipated "pivot" from a rogue political provocateur into a stable leader who displays presidential temperament, it was dashed this Saturday morning. There has been no "pivot". Instead, we continue to witness a man who appears to have multiple and sometimes conflicting personalities.

Much has been said about Trump's performance addressing Congress on Tuesday evening. Policy issues aside, his speaking style was hailed as calm, measured and even re-assuring.  There had been such a low bar of expectation going in that any effort that wasn't perceived as taking a dump on the podium was encouraging. The speech was a success for that, although SmartyPants Keith Olberman tweeted

I'd like to point out that many of the pundits praising Trump for a bad read of a bland speech also praised "Mission Accomplished" 

And there were these choice comments found on Wonkette:

"So we all witness almost five weeks of incompetence, repression, fascism, treason, incoherence, ignorance and stupidity from Trump and his entire administration, yet somehow all of that is forgotten because he managed to read a speech off a teleprompter (thought those were bad, btw) without sounding like a complete raving idiot? And now he is getting sloppy tongue baths from much of the media?"

 "If Trump is learning on the job, that would be real news. Yes, he sounded like a president. But the hours leading up to the speech suggested that unless he’s reading from a Teleprompter, he still doesn’t get what it means to be one.
Just to recap quickly, Trump blamed Barack Obama for protests against his administration and leaks coming from inside it. He hinted that maybe Jews were responsible for a wave of anti-Semitic attacks to make him look bad. And most egregiously, this commander in chief seemed to blame the military for losing  Ryan Owens, a Navy SEAL, in a Yemen raid that went bad."
"I'm just about ready to give up on 99% of the American media once and for all. It seems they'll never stop being amazed and delighted whenever it turns out that a Republican president can read. It basically gives Trump a form of immunity: Whenever he feels the heat from the media is getting uncomfortable, he can just give a scripted speech, and suddenly even "liberal" reporters will be tripping over each other in their eagerness to tell us that he has been washed in the blood of the lamb and is a new and changed man. And I'm sure these same reporters will never stop complaining that Democrats are "over-prepared" and use too many long and difficult words."
Well, yes. But any residual post-Congressional speech Presidential Timber talk was chopped down yesterday and this morning when Trump found his phone and became President Tweet again. In a bizarre series of early morning posts, Trump suggested that President Obama had wiretapped his Trump Tower residence during the runup to the election.

Oy vey. I do not think he knows what "McCarthyism" really means. Next he'll be going full-on Captain Queeg, proclaiming that someone has been stealing the strawberries.

"Ah, but the strawberries... that's where I had them! They laughed at me and made their jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt... and with geometric logic..."
So here is what is happening. We have multiple Donald Trumps. There is Low-Key Trump who reads other people's words from a Teleprompter at Inaugurations, Joint Congressional addresses, and such. The Teleprompter acts like a restraining shock collar for him, or like a strong med such as Lithium. His style is subdued and kinda boring.

There is Hair-on-Fire Donald Trump who speaks his polluted stream-of-consciousness rambles at news conferences and campaign rallies. He's high-energy and fierce. He galvanizes and offends. It's Reality TV style, our Jerry Springer Nation President.

Then there is Off-Camera Twitter Trump. Although he has his official @DonaldTrump account, there are two mindsets at play. During work hours, his tweets are delivered on an iPhone. They are like the Teleprompter Trump - dull, official stuff. The reason is because it's not Trump at all - these Tweets are from staffers, using the iPhone. Here's the story:

Tweets emanating from his Android device are from him. And they are his usual outrageous material, dipping into his 400 word vocabulary to express the latest trivial umbrage detected by his radar. They are usually delivered off-hours.

There are his other personas, too, although they are not documented on camera or social media. His charming and flattering style when he's trying to get something from someone he respects or fears (like Carl Icahn, or Vladimir Putin). His role as Head of Family to his children and wife. If he weren't the Leader of the Free World, his multiple personalities would be benignly fascinating.

But they aren't and he is. To help us laugh through the pain, here are a couple of fun Twitter accounts that deal with Trump's tweeting habits. The first displays his actual tweets and suggest what a "mature" Trump would have really tweeted:

And there is a full-blown Trump Twitter snarky satire account:

Finally, here are our old friends at Bad Lip Reading who have deciphered what Trump was saying in his limousine as it pulled up to the Capitol building for his Congressional address:

If you liked that, and who wouldn't, here is their take on the Trump Inauguration. It's fantastic:

Have a good weekend!