
Sunday, January 28, 2018

What would Yeats and Shelley say today?

There are times when it really helps to take a few steps back and view the modern world through the lens of the classic poets. It is the role of a poet to use our language, in its highest form, to attempt expression of the often inexpressible. A great poem will reveal a fleeting yet fixed glimpse into Truth and our own souls. And when one comprehends its meaning, the cathartic effect can be healing and enlightening.

Lucky us, today's Daily Kibitz features three short but fantastic poems that are as pertinent to our current condition as they were when composed at various times over the last 200 years. What we'll try to do is to provide our own nugget analysis of what the poem means in general terms. Then we'll tie it in with how it relates to what's happening today.

Let's start with a poem from 1867. "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold, is perhaps the first poem about Existentialism - before Existentialism was even imagined! Written from his honeymoon cottage  above the beach below, Arnold moves beyond his own sense of sound and vision to figure why his soul feels empty. And why the world seems meaningless. And what he and his bride can do about it. 

Boom Boom, out go the lights! Faith as a centerpiece of life recedes like the tide. The Industrial Revolution, the fading Enlightenment, the overextension of the British Empire and the publication of Darwin's "Origin of Species" all contribute here as background factors to pull the rug out from the Victorian bedrock reliance of Religion and Man's Purpose.

And like then, we live in a time of great "churn", where Faith and Purpose are questioned and Institutions are attacked. It's unprecedented, the velocity of change we experience and the quantity of information we consume. But without certainty, without an abiding sense of Truth, we too are on that darkling plain, swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight.

It's a dark and scary world when the light goes out. And it feels very much like we are collateral damage as today's ignorant partisan and tribal armies clash by nihilistic night. Arnold's world view may be bleak,  but his solution is to love one another apart from the travails of the everyday. It may not seem like much, but it represents a Giant Step Forward.

Our next selection is from the great William Butler Yeats, "The Second Coming", written in 1919. Yeats was an Irish romantic mystic who had witnessed the shattering cataclysm of World War 1, and the Easter Uprising in Dublin. Like Arnold, he saw events leading to chaos in the world and the diminution of previously long-held essential values. The Great War was over, and Ireland was still ruled by Britain, but beneath the veneer of order and stability raged a new sense of upside-down meaninglessness. And from this sense of nihilism would sprout monsters.

Here it is, with perhaps the most potent, and quoted, first stanza in all of World Literature:

What a profound and unnerving vision! The immediate power of this poem is felt directly today. Our own country has experienced an enormous and staggering shock to its system. It is now ruled by a government that promotes the apotheosis of The Strong Man. It exalts a Big Business and Autocratic agenda that knowingly desecrates the foundations of our democratic republic. It shunts aside the values of Conservation in pursuit of toxic short-term growth.

As "things fall apart" and the center's hold on stability collapses, it becomes easy to create a narrative that questions Truth in a way that makes people dependent on whoever is the loudest and most insistent. When traditional Truth-tellers have been made to look shady by The Strong Man, people will be more likely to seek "the Truth" from him and his government alone.

Interestingly, the Alt-Right/White Supremacist community early on embraced Donald Trump as one of their own. Many sites described him as their "Lion" and depicted him as something of a Manticore, much like what Yeats described.

To help us understand where our dark and turbulent world is headed, let's get some advice from Percy Bysshe Shelley. Our final poem, "Ozymandias", was written on January 11, 1818. The Napoleonic Wars were over. The Age of Kings was drawing to a close. Europe had survived a period where a megalomaniac was responsible for the deaths of millions. Shelley used the image of a waste land to capture the hubris, and the ultimate legacy, of such a leader:

It's not going to end well for Donald Trump, his family and - if we're lucky - his enablers in the Republican Party. Within a year or so, there will be damning indictments that will hobble his Administration into irrelevance and tarnish his sycophants in Congress. He may escape imprisonment - using a defense of impaired mental abilities comes to mind - but his son, his son-in-law and many powerful others will stand trial and see prison time. His cherished Trump Organization will come crashing down as breathtaking financial crimes are exposed.

The extent of these and Russian-related crimes will be seen throughout the Republican Party (and even within some of the Democratic Party). The tumult created by these criminal revelations will shake an already shaken nation, and the world. The great cloud of dust will settle to show a vast Waste Land (hello, T.S. Eliot... some other time). No one will believe it all happened!

Then, again if we're lucky, we can start over by simply loving one another and build on these small scale units of Trust. And stay on guard against the next tide that will inevitably roll in. And helping us keep guard, watching the "long, withdrawing roar" of the "blood-dimmed tide" is the Poet. The Poet is the Lighthouse Keeper, sending the beam of Truth out for all those who can see it.

Monday, January 15, 2018

The POTUS is a DIP (Deplorable Ignorant Piece of Doo)

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Or, as it has been called in Virginia, Lee-Jackson-King Day. That's Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, two Confederate generals who incongruously shared this holiday with MLK until recently. (Now their birthdays are publicly celebrated a couple of days prior to King's.) Why would Virginia designate a holiday for Dr. King to be shared with Southern rebels who fought to keep his race enslaved? The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind... the answer is blowing out from our President's poo-hole.

Our Shithole President began today's MLK observance by quoting himself and blasting Democrats. No mention of Dr. King. Then he headed off to his golf course to spend the holiday chasing a little white ball. It's business as usual for our President - ignore or bait People of Color, and spend Executive Time on the links, or in bed with cheeseburgers. Maybe he just needs a whole lot of Me time. While our Duffer-in-Chief works on his hook, let's take a look at a few recent cringe-worthy events that highlight how our President honors the lifework and legacy of Dr. King...

Well, yes, there's the "Shithole" controversy. After the story broke how Trump had questioned "why are we having so many people from shithole countries coming here?" the White House pushed back, clarifying that Trump didn't mean that Haiti was a shithole like the other countries in Africa.

On a related note, the President had earlier suggested that Haitian visa travelers to the US "all have AIDS". And that visa holders from Nigeria, now one of the designated "shithole" countries, would never "go back to their huts" after seeing the glories of the US. Such rhetoric serves to remind why the President stands tall with the unshakeable core of his base:

It's a tried-and-true formula for bonding with his base, which is paramount for him. If they start to wobble, he's done. Therefore, he will proclaim or infer just about anything to keep them in good standing:

Never mind that immigrants from these "shithole" countries represent similar or better levels of education attainment and skill levels as Americans. Never mind that our country was built by immigrants who came here seeking a better way of life... from "shithole" countries. Never mind that our economy depends and thrives on the demographic diversification that immigrants represent.

FFS, our own Mrs. Daily Kibitz came from a "shithole" country. Her family came here because of the Apartheid policies clamping down on their homeland. The USA offered fantastic opportunities, and welcomed them in. It's the American Dream! Immigrants and refugees seek out our country because they see their lives improving here, while escaping dysfunctional conditions in their own homes.  Despite what Trump Senior Advisor/Goebbels-wannabe  Stephen Miller says, the Statue of Liberty-located poem, "The New Colossus", exemplifies everything good about our country's approach towards welcoming immigrants. Let's face it - everyone who is not Native or African American came here willingly from some kind of "shithole" country, be it Ireland, India, Mexico or anywhere else. It's the story of our nation.

But certain people named Donald Trump think otherwise: Immigrants and Refugees mean less jobs for hard-working White Americans, and more dependency on Welfare. Don't let the facts get in the way of long-time racist thinking:

It's guaranteed that an immigration reversal would mean major staff employment problems for places like this:

Anagram for "His Hotel"
So... our President doesn't want immigrants from "shithole" countries. He wants them from Norway. Norway. The country that ranks #1 in Happiness, Prosperity, Political Freedom and Press Freedom. Where Health Care and College are free. Where Infrastructure is high-quality. Where gun violence is virtually non-existent. Where maternal and paternal leave is paid.  Where employers are REQUIRED to provide 25 working days for vacation, plus public holidays (US employers are required to provide 0 days). Let's let our favorite satirist, Alexandra Petri, take a look at "Why would anyone from Norway want to come here?"

She is so good. Regarding Trump's "shithole" comment: "This is only a surprise in the sense that going to the bathroom and finding that someone has not flushed the toilet is a surprise. You know it isn't supposed to happen, but it's exactly the kind of thing you would expect to find there... It is a surprise in the sense that seeing the thing that is usually blurred or covered with a black bar is a surprise, which is to say, not. He forgot to leave the fig leaf on; that is all."

And while we are on the subject of "shithole" countries and immigrants, let's take a look at what Alexander Hamilton said about the dangers of a demagogic Authoritarian like Donald Trump. Hamilton, of course, was a penniless bastard orphan immigrant from a Caribbean island. He made good here (it helped he was White and educated). This is what he wrote in 1792, substitute "monarchy" for "facism":

"The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. Tired at length of anarchy, or want of government, they may take shelter in the arms of monarchy for repose and security.
"Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality47 of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”

I believe that Martin Luther King, Jr. and Alexander Hamilton would have gotten on well. Neither would have any use for our President and his supporters. Think about MLK and his amazing life, goals and accomplishments. It chokes you up. Listen to him wrap up his final speech, in front of an audience of Memphis union workers:

And then, less than 24 hours later, Robert Kennedy gave this speech:

It's been 50 years. Much progress has been made, but much backsliding has also occurred. Let's keep the vision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King firmly in mind as we go forward.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Best of 2017, Predictions for 2018

The best thing about 2017 is the arrival of 2018.  The past year was nearly as rough as any in recent memory. But we at The Daily Kibitz have taken a few moments to corral a few of what are The Best Memories of 2017. And so, in no particular order and without further ado, let's take a quick romp through these highlights!

Keeping It All In Perspective: Back in March we all laughed heartily when this foreign policy expert's family came piling into his makeshift home office during a live telecast. Years from today, let's bring this up as one of our favorite 2017 memories!

Cussing In Public: As ridiculous and repugnant presidential tweets and actions filled the air, the public reacted with swift and often obscene expressions. Everything made us feel like swearing, loudly! Here is a fun 'Best of Swearing' collection, honoring the different modes of Blue Language. There is a kinda lengthy analysis on the British art of elaborate obscenity, including Doctor Who references (!). Then there are subsequent subheadings for Best Swearing in Print, on Live Television, in Politics, Sports and Twitter. They are all hilarious (looking forward to reading "F*ck, That's Delicious", a cookbook) - but the champ has to be Anthony Scaramucci and his 10-day rampage as Trump's Director of Communications. Read it and weep with laughter:

All this rage and pursuit of obscene expression naturally led us to this Trumpster taking exception to a car pulling up to an intersection too fast for his liking. It's 2017 encapsulated in 10 seconds:

The Resistance:

The day after Trump's Inauguration marked the First Day of the Trump Resistance. It was the Women's March, and it was glorious. The Daily Kibitz was there in DC, and we learned much about the future:

A very effective tool for the Resistance is Humor. In one of the best usages of Political Pranking Ever, a guy brought hundreds of little Russian flags - with "Trump" imprinted on them - to the CPAC. This is an annual convention of hard-to-extreme-right political and religious nut jobs that meets in DC. He distributed all the flags to the main hall audience gathered to witness President Donald Trump give an address to them. When Trump emerged, they roared with approval while waving Russian flags. It was a sight to behold:

The Attempted Education of Donald Trump:

Nearly everyone in the White House and the Halls of Congress recognize the President is an imbecile who needs constant "minding". His Secretary of State called him "a fucking moron." Republican Senator Bob Corker described White House staff as pre-school teachers. Trump's staff has developed well-documented management techniques for praising him about anything (excellent pee, Mr. President, the best ever!). They include his name throughout all radically slimmed-down documents for him to read to ensure he actually reads them. This "President as Kindergartner" approach has been embraced by the Pentagon. When meeting with him, they use a global map that highlights where his business interests are, and where US military bases operate:

Pentagon informs Trump by describing Military as protector of US business overseas

Foreign leaders and diplomats have come to terms about the severely limited understanding The President possesses. When they meet with him, they might as well bring a box of crayons. Here is what Germany's Angela Merkel did to direct his attention. It was unsuccessful, but then again it was about his boss country,  Russia:

The Legend of Sean Spicer:

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was Comedy Gold. His successor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is not funny in any way. She serves to merely infuriate whenever her mouth opens and a torrent of obvious lies gushes forth.  Here are five wonderful examples of Spicer's natural-born unintended funniness, including his time spent in the White House bushes:

Weird Moments With Trump and Family:

It must be hard to have made a deal with the Devil when the payment becomes due. Here is Melania Trump, at the Inauguration, when she realizes that her life going forward will be more than a bad dream:

She batted his hand away a couple of times during highly-public moments in the Mid-East and in Rome. Can you blame her?

While in Riyadh with Melania, Saudi and Egyptian leaders, Trump rubbed what sorta resembled Saruman's Orb from "Lord of the Rings." Here he is, looking for the Eye of Sauron.

Later, in Rome, the Trumps met with the Pope. It appeared as though they were dressed for a funeral. The Pope looks like he'd rather be at Trump's funeral. Later it was revealed that Trump deliberately kept Sean Spicer, a devout Catholic, from meeting the Pontiff. Because that's just the kind of guy that Donald Trump is.

For those readers who are fascinated by the psychological debasement of self, may we present Trump's first cabinet meeting. The prolonged obsequious and egregious statements put forth by his Cabinet and staff are of the sort prized by thugs like Robert Mugabe and dictators like Kim jong-Un or Benito Mussolini. Years from today, it will be studied by historians seeking to understand how America went so quickly wrong:

Crazy "Dear Leader" Cabinet Meeting

The Perfect Picture of Trumpian Democracy:

During the lead-up to the Roy Moore Alabama Senate Election, CNN anchor Jake Tapper interviewed Moore's spokesperson, Ted Crockett. After rambling through an array of points on how Moore would seek to roll back America to the 13th Century, Crockett explained why Muslims shouldn't be in Congress. Tapper, who later must have been treated for multiple bite wounds to his tongue, finally can't stand it anymore. He informs Crockett about how the law here works. Watching Crockett suspended in a speechless, open-mouthed state of gobsmack is a thing of beauty and represents the core of Trump's base:

Trumpian Diplomacy In Action:

Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, is sometimes described as a relative moderate in Trump's Cabinet of Zealots and Grifters. Trump usually doesn't pay attention to things like the UN or anything "foreign". But he did recently when he acted to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and to move the US embassy there. There was a big vote in the UN about all this. Haley channeled her boss by declaring that the US "would be watching and taking names" and would cut aid/funds for any country not voting with us. It didn't go well:

Yep, our dependable allies are now Honduras, Guatemala, Togo, Micronesia, Mauru, Palau and the Marshall Islands. Haley/Trump responded by saying that the US would remember the countries that had "disrespected" it.  It's probably easier to remember the ones that voted with the US.

And no diplomacy-in-2017 can go without our honest Ambassador to the Netherlands being exposed for Utter and Complete Lies during an interview with Dutch TV. In it, he denies saying lies about Muslims. Video is played so he can see himself lying. He then calls it Fake News. When called on it, he denies saying he said Fake News just moments before! You just can't make this stuff up!!

Discovering three great new sources:

In 2016, The Daily Kibitz was unaware of these three. In 2018, they are indispensable.

1) Natasha Bertrand is a political investigative reporter for Business Insider. She is the go-to journalist for what's happening with the Russia investigation:

2) Sarah Kendzior is an expert on authoritarian regimes. Her analysis of what's happening with the Trump Administration has been consistently spot-on. Moreover, her conclusions usually bear fruit six months or so after she makes them. She is well ahead of the pundit curve.

3) Alexandra Petri is a satirist who has a weekly column for the Washington Post Op-Ed page. When things are crazy and bad, she reliably offers up trenchant humor. Ya gotta laugh...

And now for our highly anticipated 2018 Predictions:

-- Trump is not impeached, but may not remain in office past early 2019. His criminal culpability will be revealed. There may be an arrangement made for him to just go away...

-- Jared Kushner and Donald Jr. are toast. Ivanka cuts a deal and skates.

-- Congress does not act to impeach because some GOP-ers are complicit with Russian money, influence and "kompromat". Republican leadership is "circling the wagons" to prevent damning details from emerging.

-- The movie "A Wrinkle In Time" (based on the 1962 sci-fi/fantasy novel) will enrage Trumpland.

-- November Mid-Terms will be tumultuous and see Democrats winning back the House by a slender margin. Senate remains Republican by one vote. There will be enormous problems with voter suppression and tech-based voting "glitches". Epic long lines of people waiting to vote.  Russia continues its bot and disinformation campaign in service for the GOP.

-- Threat of war in North Korea (there may even be a coup that ousts Lil' Kim), but the real action takes place in the Persian Gulf region.

-- Many more present and past Members of Congress revealed as sexual harassers/predators... both parties. In fact, the whole #metoo movement will upend virtually every corner of American life. Long overdue!!

-- More drought out West, working its way to the East. Ocean and Air Temps continue to rise.

-- The Chicago White Sox finish last in their division in 2018, but will win the Wild Card in 2019.

Finally, a big Muchos Gracias to you for reading these posts throughout 2017! We hope that The Daily Kibitz has informed and entertained. OK, it should really be re-named My Weekly Kibitz. The name has a ring to it! See you next time...