
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

There's A New Sheriff In Town

"Good Guys Wear Black" is the Chicago White Sox slogan. In addition to the fine hat above, check out following link for the headgear on noted White Sox fan President-Elect Barack Obama:

BARACK OBAMA: Barack Obama starts new life --

And here is a nice election-night story about the friendship between Obama and White Sox General Manager Kenny Williams:

On Election Night, It’s Not About the Pitching for Obama’s Friend Kenny Williams -

And now the Quote of the Day from the late, great Chicago community activist Saul Alinsky, the author of "Rules For Radicals", the man who provided the template for the Obama ground organization:

"We must believe that it is the darkest before the dawn of a beautiful new world. We will see it when we believe it."


Ken Galer said...


Nice picture. I hope you realize that this man with no experience and great speaking skills now has to actually run the country. Can't wait for my tax bill to go up and for all sorts of silly mandates regulating my free speech in the name of political correctness.

That said, the sun came up today and I still live in the greatest country on earth. I'm looking out the window of my office at a rainbow as I write this (I'm not making that up). I hope Obama surrounds himself with capable people instead of some ridiculous rainbow coalition of idiots that will satisfy the "disenfranchised".

Dave said...

I hear that gun sales are up 70% since the election. I guess folks are concerned that President Obama and a Democrat controller Congress might abridge their right to keep and bear arms (or is it arm and keep bears?). I think it is time for a "man day" roadtrip to one of those mega gunshops down 81....