
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Happy International Women's Day

It's International Women's Day, the happy day that celebrates the advancement of Women's Rights! The origins of this day reside in the old Czarist Russia when on March 8, 1917 the capitol city of Petrograd was brought to a stand-still by a massive work strike by female textile mill workers. Seven days later, the Czar abdicated his throne and the Russian Revolution was in full swing!

Today, our President acknowledges this bit of Russian history gone international by posting this nice tweet about women, because no one respects women more than he:

and of course our Vice President chimes in, too, because he cares very much about women and wants to take away their health care:

And the Twitter followers are all fervent believers in our leaders' respect. Just read their comments on the Tweets!

Events around the world commemorate IWD, including the official approval of 38 Trump trademarks in China that include Trump massage parlors and Trump escort services. Trump - for when you need loving long time.

What goes together with Hotels and Sex?
Given his success as a casino owner, he'll probably cause the demise of prostitution in Asia. OK, OK, I'm not suggesting Trump is our Pimp-in-Chief. But I do wonder if he's being sincere... well, not really either. We all now know that he has staffers issue his tweets during the day from an iPhone. His IWD tweets are entirely too official to have originated from his android device.

But it is on International Women's Day that we reflect upon the following dismal statistic:

Cast off your shackles! You have nothing to lose but your chains! Oh, if only it were so easy. The day when Patriarchy yields to Matriarchy cannot arrive too soon. And now to help us to focus our IWD thoughts is Peter Gabriel, singing his anthem about International Women's Day, "Shaking The Tree"

"Too often the great decisions are originated and given form in bodies made up wholly of men, or so completely dominated by them that whatever of special value women have to offer is shunted aside without expression."  Eleanor Roosevelt

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