
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Very, Very Best 100 Days Since Andrew Jackson

Former President George W. Bush, overheard while exiting from Donald Trump's Inaugural Address: "That was some weird shit." Yes, Mr. Bush, it really was. And it remains so as we enter into The Second Hundred Days. But first, let's take a quick look at the good things that have happened during the first 100 days:

-- It's over! We all survived!! We're 7% done with the Trump Presidency, which means we have only 13 more of these 100 day segments ahead of us.

-- General Michael Flynn is gone and The Mad Hungarian Sebastian Gorka is going. Hard to believe they were National Security Advisor and Deputy Assistant to the President. That was scary close.

-- Steve Bannon's role in the White House has apparently been diminished after calling Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, a "cuck". However, like a bad fungus, he's still within the "inner circle", primarily because he'd unleash Breitbart News to bad mouth the administration incessantly. Also, he represents this truly awful political crime family: The Mercers. Wow, they make the Koch Brothers seem like The Doublemint Twins.

-- We now know that Jared "The Cuck" Kushner knows everything we do and don't know.

-- We know that if you take away his vowels, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus becomes RNC PR BS.

-- Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is not a laughingstock, although he has curious viewpoints regarding Corporations and Employees, among many other legal matters.

-- Obamacare seems resistant to AHCA.

-- Fox News CEO/Founder Roger Ailes, ratings king Bill O'Reilly and company president Bill Shine are all kaput, thanks to the toxic corporate atmosphere there that resulted in numerous sexual assault allegations... and payoffs.

-- The Emoluments Clause in the U.S. Constitution has received much attention. If President Trump doesn't leave office prematurely via the terms of the 25th Amendment, his (and his family's) business wealth gain from being President might do it, says CREW.

-- The
 was found!! Henceforth, the USS Carl Vinson will be known as the USS Waldo.

-- Our President owned up to his chronic lies, fabrications, embellishments, whoppers and 180-degree policy turnarounds by admitting, "I don't stand by anything."

-- We now know that Andrew Jackson would have prevented the Civil War had he lived, even though he was a virulently cruel slave owner. And the President posed a question no one had thought before: "Why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?" Stumper, for sure. But he provided the answer Jackson would have said: "There's no reason for this!" He then went on to suggest that "there's no reason there's not peace between Israel and the Palestinians. None whatsoever." Finally, peace is at hand! Next, Trump tackles the acrimony between India and Pakistan,  Russia and Poland, and Cubs and White Sox fans.

-- The Muslim Ban remains Banned.

-- Mexico won't pay for The Wall if it's ever built.

-- We know about "Gaslighting":

I could go on and on about all the good things that have happened over the last 100 days. But believe it or not, some other not-so-good things happened to our country. Here is the best analysis, by far,  I've read regarding The First 100 Days:

Yup, that is a terrific take. Then there are the Fact Checkers at the Washington Post:

And here is a fun look from the Pulitzer Prize winners over at PolitiFact, who have been keeping track of all the campaign promises Candidate Trump made. Their take is an interesting blend of promises made, some kept and a whole bunch that fail the smell test:

Okay, that has been a whole lot of reading and reviewing. I can feel your eyes glazing over. And isn't that the point of all his shenanigans? One gets worn down and tired, then things get allowed. Well, here is one anonymous angry commenter who is Not Going To Take It Any More (shield your eyes if you are faint of heart):

"I really do feel for Donnie, when I think about it. After all, he "inherited a mess." It's so unfair, when every other president in the twentieth century has coasted into office to find nothing but legislators showing bipartisanship, domestic and international peace and tranquility, justice and civil rights for all Americans, and absolutely no problems of any kind to worry about.
But seriously, you fucking piece of shit - you KNEW what you were getting into. Everyone knew that there were very serious problems and challenges the U.S. government had to face, both domestically and internationally. And you told everyone during the campaign that you were going to fix everything on "day one," that you were the only man who could fix it, that you would bring in the "best people," that you were going to make the "best deals," that people were going to be "sick of winning."
Well so far you haven't done a goddamn thing except lie, tweet bullshit, appoint your family to government positions and play fucking golf. Oh, and you have been an national embarrassment on a scale so epic that if embarrassment could be harnessed and used as energy the U.S. would have no worries about drastically reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. The only thing people are sick of, you fat, freakish, farcical fool, is you. Go fuck yourself Donnie, and take your gang of Nazis, sycophants and your worthless fucking brood with you."

Well, if anything, The Trump Years have witnessed the complete Death of Subtlety in Politics and Civil Discourse. What would Andrew Jackson have done? I guess we'll never know, but I suspect challenging someone to a duel would have been a real possibility.

In the meantime, reward yourself for having made it through this post by thoroughly enjoying one of the very last performances of the late, great Sharon Jones as she observes the oh-so-topical song, "100 Days".

Oh, Sharon, we loved you madly!

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