
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty..."

It's been a week since the Honorary President of the Boy Scouts of America, Donald Trump, addressed a captive audience of some 40,000 scouts at the quadrennial Jamboree. As has been noted, his remarks did not resonate well. Departing from his teleprompter boilerplate speech, the man who was never a Scout ridiculed his presidential opponent, encouraged everyone to boo his presidential predecessor, waxed on about a rich hedonist with a notorious yacht, reminisced on the Manhattan in-crowd and other topics that were pertinent to Scouting.

It was all typically surreal and ridiculous, including the fact that an apology from the BSA didn't arrive for three days. But it finally did, adding to the President's Terrible, Horrible, No Good and Very Bad Week. Mix in his hiring of Anthony Scaramucci as Communications Director, firing of Sean Spicer, his suggesting that cops handle suspects roughly, his epic failure to shepard a Health Care bill into law, his improvised ban on transgender personnel in the military, his continued goading of Attorney General Sessions to resign (thus pissing off Republican Senators), his unceremonious firing of Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff, his firing of newly hired Anthony Scaramucci, and his continued retainment of everyone else, well, it's been a busy and unproductive week.

So DT was never a Scout. Let's use the Scout Law as a guide post for determining what kind of scout the President would be. A scout is:

Trustworthy. HA. HAHAHA. HAAHAHAHHAHAHA. You can trust that he will tweet batshit crazy thoughts on early Saturday mornings.

Loyal - Trump demands loyalty, but does not reciprocate unless it's to someone who has something on him, like Putin. He has been loyal to Paul Manafort, Corey Lewandowski, Michael Flynn, James Comey, Sally Yates, Sean Spicer, Reince Priebus, Preet Bharara, Katie Walsh, Anthony Scaramucci, Jeff Sessions and many more!

Helpful - The President is not well known for his charitable giving. Pulitzer Prize winner David Fahrenthold has discovered that Trump rarely gives out of his own pocket. He last provided cash to his own foundation in 2008. Trump Foundation gifts come from other people. Fahrenthold questioned the President when it was discovered Trump had not provided a promised $1 million of personal wealth to charities. "You're a really nasty guy," he said to Farenthold; only then did he begrudgingly  give the money. Also: his Foundation gave $7 to the Boy Scouts; it was the registration fee for his then-young son, Donald Jr.

Friendly - Although it's said he can be charming when he wants something, it's part of a four part process: Charm, Bully, Abandon, Sue

Courteous - Yes, the traits of the gentleman: courtesy, civility, empathy, reasoned and considered discourse. Rational and nuanced understanding of our national debate of ideas, and the respect for opposing viewpoints. No. No, this is not his style at all.

Kind - Kindly Donald Trump. We know about his parched personal charitable giving. Here is a Snopes research piece that looks into some claims of kind behavior. It is a mixed bag. The acts of charitable funds come from his Foundation, not his pocket. The rest makes for interesting reading.

Obedient - OK, OK, the President is not the obedient sort. His parents shipped him off to a behavioral military school because of his early obnoxiousness. He was a handful. Today, he expects everyone to be obedient to him, including his staff, Federal agencies, Congress, the Judiciary, all forms of Media, women, children and clouds. He has been curiously obedient to Vladimir Putin.

Cheerful -  Aside from the moment when then Candidate Trump suggested to his campaign rally audience that he'd really like to punch the face of a protestor there, this image truly exemplifies the inherent Cheerfulness of the President and his family. Who is the guy in the white robes??

Thrifty - After surviving a series of career (and probably life) threatening bankruptcies, Trump has learned the value of a dollar. He has a rich history of stiffing his contractors. He probably laughs at his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who sank 1.8 Billion dollars into a Manhattan office tower - in 2007, the peak of the bubble. What a schmuck.  Also, there is that 7 dollars donated by his Foundation to the Boy Scouts.

Brave - A bone spur. Before Viet Nam, he played high school basketball, but got a medical draft deferment for a condition that affects 38% of the population, and causes pain in 5%. Also received four education-related draft deferments. Today, he can accuse Viet Nam war survivors like John McCain of not being a hero.

Clean -  The Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief. Hoo boy, this says it all.

Reverent  - While he improbably remains the champion of Evangelicals (check out this bizarre pix of  Evangelical leaders "laying hands" on him to receive the power of their prayers), our President has never been known to frequent churches or any house of worship. He can't own one, so what's the point? When asked last year about his thoughts on the importance of Easter, he replied, "Well, it really means something very special. I'm going to church in an hour from now and it's going to be - it's a beautiful church. I'm in Florida. And it's just a very special time for me. And it really represents family and get-together and - and something, you know, if you're a - a Christian, it's just a very important day." It reminds one of the movie "The Omen", where the Anti-Christ character could not utter the name of Jesus.

Yep, that's a wrap for the Scout Law and Donald Trump. Regarding the guy that he urged Boy Scouts to boo, there is this:

Yes, Barack Obama was a Boy Scout while growing up in Indonesia and Hawaii. He sent a video to the 2010 Jamboree. He didn't speak to the next Jamboree, probably because of the contemporaneous high-profile fracas that Boy Scouts of America were conducting about gay scouts and leaders. But he continued to meet with them in the White House and other locales.

In the meantime, we as a nation need to keep in mind the tenets of the Scout Law - doesn't matter at all if you agree with the Boy Scouts or not. These are inarguable pillar points for an individual and for a society. We have a President and a whole bunch of Members of Congress who would have difficulty matching up with one or two of these points.

Government is messy. It's where the sausages are made. But for Good Government to exist, one needs good people in government. Right now, we have a severe deficit of representatives with strong moral character when we need them most. How will the careening cart be controlled? Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Ben said...

Keep them coming Mike. The Mooch might deserve his own post. And I think Spicey quit vs getting fired. And I'm not a robot.