
Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hobgoblins and ghouls are running around the neighborhood, ringing doorbells and extorting treats. Thankfully, no Obamas, McCains or Palins thus far.

It will be so good to get past next Tuesday. No more robocalls. No more campaign mailers. No more sensational hyperboles and electioneering. The phony season will have ceased.

In the meantime, we have to make our real decisions. Four more years of the Bush brand, or four years of That One. Most news publications have weighed in and made endorsements. One magazine, Esquire, has made their only endorsement, ever. Here it is:

Indeed, the rule of law. A quaint concept and convenient tool for some. For all the talk of socialism and plumbers and bailouts and moose and change... it all pales compared to this. Who is going to enforce and follow the rule of law? Who will best honor and uphold the Constitution, after it has been so poorly served over these past eight years? My bet: the candidate who used to be a Constitutional Law Professor. Uphold and defend the Constitution. The rest is commentary, as they say.

Speaking of endorsements, the non-insane wing of conservative writers and pundits continue to honor the Democratic candidate. Here is another unlikely endorsement, from George Bush, Sr.'s speechwriter, and political columnist, Peggy Noonan (Thousand Points of Light... Read My Lips, No New Taxes, etc.). I'm including her piece as presented by the insipid Wonkette website. The snarky comments, once again, rule:

The stock market had another nice day, against all odds. For those who can stand it, here is Pulitzer-prize-winning columnist Steve Pearlstein explaining why the Bank Bailout is not working. He does a much better job than I did yesterday:

And because it is Halloween, we have a fine very short video depicting the recent takeover of Wall Street by a marauding gang of zombies. Symbolism like this couldn't be more poignant:

Oh, the former humanity! Finally, the Quote of the Day:

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” -- Edgar Allan Poe

1 comment:

Mikey G said...

... and now the best possible endorsement for Obama comes late in the campaign. Dick Cheney, as a final kiss of death, endorses McCain.