
Friday, October 3, 2008

Shirley Temple for Vice President

Robin Williams captured the spirit of the Presidential race by comparing Obama and McCain as "The Fresh Prince versus Fred Mertz."

So what does that make Biden and Palin? I'm unsure about Hairplug Joe... maybe an older Kevin Costner? But the Moose Maiden is channeling Shirley Temple. Gosh darn it, (wink), you betcha, darn tootin' and dadgum it! It is charming to a point, then the shtick descends into Irritation. Here is the original:

They don't make them like that anymore... oh, wait. I guess they do. If you ever wondered what Shirley was like as a grown-up, now you know.

Quote of the Day:

"You have two hemispheres in your brain - a left and a right side. The left side controls the right side of your body and right controls the left half. It's a fact. Therefore, left-handers are the only people in their right minds." -- Bill Lee, noted free spirit and baseball pitcher.

1 comment:

Mikey G said...

The Shirley Temple comments are perfect.