
Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's A Brand Moo Day

So my daughter and I are ready to fly back to Virginia from Chicago last Sunday night. It's late and the plane is absolutely packed. We've all gone through two complete bodysearch security lines. The departure time has been pushed back a couple of times. It's about 5 below zero, up from the near 20 below earlier in the weekend.

But everyone on the plane is in warm spirits. Smiles all around. It's readily apparent that most seatholders are bound to DC for Obama's Inauguration. Lotsa buttons, t-shirts and other campaign paraphernalia.

As we wait to get the plane de-iced, the pilot comes out of the cockpit. He looks down the aisle, studying the filled plane. Then he takes the microphone from a flight attendant and begins:

"On behalf of Southwest Airlines, I'd like to welcome you all to the Obama Inauguration Express" (Much cheering)

"Of the 5,248 pilots working, I am one of the few token Democrats, so I am very satisfied to be on this particular flight." (More cheers)

"You know, for the last eight years I've had to listen to whole lot of crap from my fellow pilots. To them I can say that it's payback time!" (Laughs all around)

"And to the rest of my Republican friends... HA HA!!" (Plane erupts in cheers, laughs, whistles, thumping of seats and trays, etc.)

That said, he smiles, turns back into the cockpit, and away we go!

The last few days have been remarkable for our country. Despite the ongoing death-spiral of our economy and its impending effects on our lifestyles, the mood generated by the Obama Administration has been fairly positive. How this will all play out in the coming months is anyone's guess. Here is The Atlantic's well-respected writer from the center-right, Marc Ambinder, on where Obama would like to be after the first 100 days:

Imagining 100 Days In The Future - Marc Ambinder#more#more#more#more

So many problems. So many opportunities. What an amazing time to be alive. If we can truly give up our "childish ways" our country has a good chance at working through the formidable challenges that confront us. For this, we all need to abandon our respective "herd mentality" and look at all things anew. Yup, it won't be easy - most of us have spent an entire lifetime developing certain perspectives.

To help us with "mashing-up" our points-of-view, here is a fine mashup, featuring Laurel and Hardy, dancing to The Gap Band (this must be seen to be believed):

YouTube - Laurel and Hardy Dance To The Gap Band

And now for our Quote of the Day:

"Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary." -- theologian Reinhold Niebuhr

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