
Saturday, January 3, 2009

King Midas In Reverse

Of course the news of the day is all about Israel pushing its troops into the Gaza Strip, seeking out Hamas missles and members. To say it's a mess is the understatement of the new year. But did it have to be this way?

At this point, it seems merely vindictive to place much of the blame here at Condoleezza Rice's desk. But gosh darn it, if the shoe fits, wear it. Let's cast our minds back to late January 2006. Condi and her fellow neocons had been pushing Abbas and the Palestinian Authority to hold general elections for their Parliament.

Abbas didn't want to do it because he knew Hamas would win. Israel told Rice the same. So did the CIA and voices in her own State Department. In fact, there were few outside of the Bush Administration cabal of retards who did not believe Hamas would win in a walk.

But Rice pressed on, insisting the elections go ahead; after all, she was promoting her boyfriend's Freedom On The March agenda - the winds of Democracy would blow freedom throughout the land.

So the elections were held. The next morning, as Condi got onto her elliptical machine, she watched in stunned horror as CNN reported that Hamas had swept the elections. The monster had been made a state player.

Thanks Condi, and thanks George, for the vision thing.

And it is Bush, really, whose Midas in Reverse touch will continue to cause havoc and disaster for years to come. It is difficult to imagine someone coming into office and deliberately devising ways to destroy this country as successfully and unintentionally as Bush has done.

But enough vitriol. Here is a fun list of Bush statements culled through the years. It's pretty light, and omits some of my personal favorites ("You really pulled defeat out of the jaws of victory" to Iraq U.S. commander General Odierno) But it will do:

Bushisms over the years - Yahoo! News

Here is a broader and funnier collection of inane statements from the only president we have got:

Bush Quotes - The 50 Dumbest Things Bush Ever Said

Really, we could have elected a turtle and it would look good in comparison.

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