
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All About Sarah

I don't want to bore or take up too much space and time. But I have promised to address the vice-presidential candidacy of Governor Sarah Palin, so here's what I'm doing: for the next few days, I will present her position on The Issues. Each day will focus on two or three topics. Some will be kinda skimpy, because, well, there's not much to report. Today's subjects will be Abortion and related issues; and Civil Rights. That should get things going.

Sarah sez:
-- She is “pro-contraception, pro-woman, pro-life”
-- She supported “abstinence-until-marriage” public school sex education programs.
-- If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, she would “let the people decide what’s next”…
-- No to any abortion, even for rape and incest. Except if a mother’s life is in jeopardy.
-- No to embryonic stem cell research

-- She likes the Americans with Disabilities Act.
-- She doesn’t know if people choose to be gay.
-- She supported the Alaska constitutional ban on same sex marriage.
-- No to spousal benefits for state employees in same-sex couple relationships.
-- It would be OK to deny state benefits to same-sex couples.
-- Despite her disagreement, she announced the state govt. would comply with the state supreme court, which ordered state benefits to same sex partners.
-- Recognized Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
-- Recognized “Juneteenth” as official celebration of Slavery’s end.
-- Proclaimed “Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day”
Join us, won’t you, for tomorrow’s installment of All About Sarah… at a computer near you!

1 comment:

CaptainObvious said...

I like how Palin says that she will "let the people decide" what to do next if Roe vs. Wade is overturned. Nevermind that since this is a court case that legalizes abortions, the only way for it to be overturned would be for the Supreme Court to say that abortions are illegal. Not much for the people to decide there...