
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Time Out

Just kicking the tires and looking things over. Taking a peek under the hood. I want to be sure that floor mats are included with this. For now, I'll include a fun blast from the past:

YouTube - The Kinks - Days - '69

I'll save the topical stuff for tomorrow. I am happy to get this thing up and running. (This Blog is brought to you by Cialis)


BarrettWR said...

Mike, I could not be more excited to post on your blog, the daily shamaa!
This promises to be a forum unlike any other on the web and I look forward to making frequent contributions to help move the daily discourse one way or the other....and you have made a wise choice indeed to feature The Kinks' "Days" as your signature music video to highlight, there cannot be a more insightful musical poem to mark the begining of what promises to be the best blog on the net! Congrats on your work...all the best to you and your family!

Mikey G said...


I had noooo idea that you were the lead singer for the Kinks. This is HUGE NEWS!!!!!

Congrats on the blog. This should be loads of fun