
Friday, September 19, 2008

It's Still Friday...

Oh, what a difference a day makes! The dark clouds lift, the birds sweetly sing, small children laugh, and the aroma of freshly-baked apple pie fills the room.

But before we get too comfortable, let's remember there is still a big ol' world out there. As the rock poet of the apocalypse, Tonio K, put in in 1980:

"‘Cause it's dog eat dog and it's cat and mouse
It's watch your step and cross yourself
And get back in the house
And it's do or die
It's push and shove
Because everybody's hungry
And there isn't quite enough
That's right we're talking about the good life
In the food chain
Love among the ruins
I guess that you've finally got to accept
That there's nothing you can do about it
It's kind'a like carving a turkey
Kind of like mowing the lawn
Everything gets to this certain dimension
Winds up on a customers plate and then gone"

Let's hope that our wise men in DC and NYC can cobble together a wastebasket akin to the mid-80's RTC, which handled the awful Savings & Loan crisis to good effect (remember the Keating 5; remember John McCain? He doesn't want to remember it, either, though to be fair he was just trying to get along). If so, we can catch a break in the action.

But not to forget the World of Diminishing Resources. Until our Government can pull together a real Manhattan Project to create an inexpensive, sustainable, renewable form(s) of energy that can be transmitted through a national grid/infrastructure of Marshall Plan proportions, to power homes, cars and businesses, we will continue to be increasingly stressed.

Again, from Tonio K's time, here's the Opening Scene from one of my favorite movies ever: The Road Warrior. Watch it and try not to think of the parallels we've seen through the last few years...

YouTube - mad max 2 opening scene

What a great movie. Greatest stunts ever. Greatest and longest chase scene ever. Mel Gibson's breakout performance. "The juice.... the juice." The Lord Humongous - The Ayatollah of Rock n Rollah!!

And now for some real fun. Again, from the Tonio K/Road Warrior era, when the shock wave of oil shortages had sent an early but very clear warning sign for any who were observent. This was an event I attended, but left before getting arrested. For a couple of hours, it really felt like the world was collapsing. (It did for the White Sox.) It was even wilder than what you see here on the clip:

YouTube - 1979 Disco Demolition Night, Local News Coverage

Closing thought: Thanks for reading! I hope this blog becomes a regular visit for you. Feel free to comment, and to conduct discussions within the comments section. And spread this around if you see fit...

Quote of the Day:

I don't believe in the after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear. -- Woody Allen

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