
Monday, September 22, 2008

Thoughts Before The Flood

"Beware of living in the most interesting of times," say the Chinese. We certainly are in the midst of them now. For the last couple of weeks it seems like our country has begun circling the drain.

The worst part of it is that we're still at the Top, but the rest of the world is laughing at us, waiting for The Big Fall. Well, enough of that. I stand with Randy Newman:

YouTube - Randy Newman - A Few Words in Defense of Our Country

Oh, the irony.

And how ironic is it that for solutions to our great big economic mess we turn now to crazy Uncle Newt, yes, the politician everyone loves to hate. He's a nutty ol' Newt, but he asks some good questions about "the bailout" and even supplies some answers worth contemplating. Read it and weep:

The Corner on National Review Online

I'm unsure where he wrote this. Has he been released from the Halfway House for the Politically Insane?

For our final piece, we journey to the world of high tech and modern weaponry. Much has been made of the "success of the Surge" and this is an aspect which is cloaked in mystery, as related by journalist Bob Woodward. It's up to you to determine - treasonous revelation or misinformation propaganda? Consider the following:

What Is Woodward's 'Secret Weapon' in Iraq? Danger Room from

It's an interesting read. The best part, for me, is wading through the vitriolic 'comments' section. There are some really priceless ones awaiting the diligent reader. For my now worthless money, I say the poster named Desmond nails it over and over...

That's it for today. Tomorrow, by special request, will feature a clear-eyed look at the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin.

Quote of the Day: "Everything that is done in the world is done by hope." --Martin Luther

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