
Monday, September 29, 2008

Getting Ready To Atone

Tonight's the big night, when Jews around the world get out their noise-makers and funny hats and bang on pots and pans as they welcome in the New Year. After the excitement fades, it's down to serious business. A full week of somber reflection on the past year is required. It's time to consider the not-so-nice actions and thoughts that one has committed. Or even thought of committing. Or even knew how to think that way. Bad bad bad.

This Judaic tradition of shame and guilt has spilled over to the spectacle of our presidential campaign. Just watch:

YouTube - Phone Atone

What are you guilty of and aren't you ashamed of yourself?

1 comment:

A. Tonal said...

I'm riddled with guilt. It's all part of growing up Roman Catholic. hic..